
Is there a book that debunks ghosts?

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I'm sick of reading about books that support the existence of ghosts. I want a book which disproves ghosts. =).




  1. The Bible.  The only Ghost in it is the Holy Ghost the spirit of God.

  2. There is nothing out there that can disprove ghosts,but there is also nothing that can prove it either.

    Scientists to this very day can't explain paranormal phenomena,but they still don't have enough evidence to say that it's not real.

    Personally,i think that it is real,and i should know because my entire family (including myself) has experienced the paranormal.

  3. Carl Sagan. Demon Haunted World. Good for an observation of the phenomonon of belief in unsupported reporting of so-called paranormal events.Also, Broca's Brain by him is insightful.Dragons of Eden is another. Dude has a great way of explaining and is(was) very respected for his integrity.

  4. You may be more interested in scientific, scholarly journal articles. The Journal of Parapsychology provides for some interesting reading, and because there are a lot of scientists, psychologists, and other scholars composing the articles and research that make up the magazine, you'll find a lot more to support the non-existence of ghosts and other phenomena than you will in a book store.

  5. Sorry, but as much as I disbelieve the existence of ghosts, I would have a problem with a book that stated outright that ghosts definitively don't exist.  I think one could form a fairly strong argument asserting they don't exist or explaining some possible explanations for why people see them, but it is unscientific to say they don't exist.

  6. Do you own a chemistry text book?

  7. Sure.  'Spook' by Mary Roach does a great job of investigating spirits and spiritualism, and it's a great read.  It's probably not as hardcore a debunking as you'd get from, say, Skeptic magazine (also recommended), but she approaches it with an open mind and remains highly skeptical at the end.

  8. Yes, it's by the same guy who sells Miracle Water.

  9. Why debunk something that exists? That's dumb.

  10. BRANT--

    I am with you on this subject, I dont understand how in todays world people still believe in ghosts.  The problem is though, that there is no way to prove without any doubt that ghosts dont exist.  The hard core believers are just like the hard core believers in religion, you can show them fact after fact to support your view and they will say "I dont need proof to believe what I believe, I just know it exists".  There is no way or even no need to argue with that kind of ignorance.  

    As far as the question goes, I have not found a book that was written to specifically debunk the existance of ghosts.  There are books out there that do debunk the existance of ghosts just by stating facts but they are stating those facts to support other evidence they are trying to prove, not the debunking of ghosts.  If you happen to find a good one, let me know, I would be interested in reading it.

  11. Ah, you want books that debunk ghosts?

    Seems like your searching awefully hard for something you don't believe in to begin with.

    Here is a whole list for you.  Enjoy.  ;-)

  12. Poltergeist, by Colin Wilson

  13. I don't know, but I share your sentiments and wish you luck.  There is a publisher, Prometheus Books, which specializes in rational inquiry into paranormal topics.  I'll bet you could find a couple of good books on their web site.

    Once you start reading the skeptical literature, I think your frustration with the topic will ease.  Skeptical books make SENSE and are usually very carefully constructed.  It will be a breath of fresh air for you.

    The Journal of Parapsychology, mentioned above, is bunk in fancy clothes.  It will be just as unsatisfying as all the other junk you've been subjected to.


    The comment, "...they don't have enough evidence to say it's not real," is typical of the kind of confused, utterly irrational thinking that characterizes those who believe in this nonsense.  And yes, Sophia, I don't blame you for getting frustrated when you have to read page after page of unsupported assertions, bogus "research," and flimsy anecdotes, all based on that kind of anti-reasoning.

    I can't imagine any excuse for why, in today's world of knowledge and understanding, people still believe in this kind of supernatural hogwash.  Are you so arrogant as to assume that your senses can't be fooled or your memory altered by hysterical observation?  Do you have any knowledge of physical laws and how nature works?  Do you have ANY understanding of psychology?  You certainly can't claim you aren't gullible, as you no doubt eagerly sop up any nonsense that hits TV or the popular press, (Like the Colin Wilson book), or the tabloids or the Internet.  One thing that bothers me is if any of you true believers have kids.  Do you intend to poison their minds, (and cause inordinate fear), with this bunk?  Tom, what's dumb is believing in superstitious, supernatural, medieval idiocies just because you think it's cool or it makes you special.  I mean, it should be damned embarrassing for any adult to actually claim belief in this stuff.  But at least here, you can find others with your same disabilities, to hob nob with and feel good about yourself.  Grow up, before you s***w up other people's heads like somebody did to yours.

    NOW thumb me!

    Jack, you just lost all credibility with me.

    Peter, I should point out that what you say is true and I agree.  The kind of book I was thinking about would be one that describes several stories and gives explanations which are likely and prosaic.  Hopefully some of the famous ghost stories have some which have been proven.  There are obviously some hoaxes on record, too.  The psychology of belief is also an important topic.  The physics problem should also be paramount among those reasons to doubt.  This would not be an attempt to prove their non-existence; just show how belief in them is highly illogical and irrational, like what Randi and Klass have done in their areas of expertise.

    All that considered, the bottom line still is that they don't exist.

  14. most science books debunk ghosts, you could start there

  15. You'll not find a book that disproves ghosts, since that's logically impossible. One can certainly offer alternate natural explanations that are far more likely, but that wouldn't logically disprove the possibility that "a ghost did it", no matter how unlikely or absurd the idea may be.

    However, you can find books that are skeptical of ghost hauntings and debunks them, which is to say, offers likely alternate natural explanations that make resorting to a ghost explanation unnecessary. I added a couple books that I like below.

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