
Is there a british accent that doesn't pronounce can't with an ah sound?

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Is there a british accent that doesn't pronounce can't with an ah sound?




  1. ya........not technically british, it is IRISH bro.....say your irish with an irish accent and chicks will be crawling at your feet....

  2. yes the scots they say can neh as in " i can neh see"

  3. Irish, Scottish

  4. Cardiff accents (rough ones)

  5. Can't say can't without ah sound.Can you ?

  6. People are generalising here - I'm Scottish and I say cant with an ah sound.

  7. no. instead you could try cannot, or canny in a scottish accent.  

  8. The British are English, Scottish & the Welsh,

    The Scottish, ( i would say )

    What is a British Accent to you?

    A Upper Class Accent? ( thats what most people think )

    A Scottish?

    A Welsh?

    A English?

    There really is no one British Accent is there?

    If we are all, so called British.

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