
Is there a bus from Dublin Connelly train station to UCD?

by Guest63424  |  earlier

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If there is could you tell me where i could get a timetable please? Thanks.




  1. visit

  2. None directly from Connolly to my knowledge, but from O'Connell Street you can take, 2, 3, 10/a, 11/b, 46a/b/d

    I think there are some Bus Éireann buses running from Connolly via O'Connell Street directly to UCD, ya, just checked their website, there is a direct route from Connolly Luas stop to UCD, but I'm not sure of the timetable/frequency

  3. You need the 3, 10 and 11B from O'Connell Street, about a 10 minute walk from Connolly.

    Go to:

    and enter the search term "university college dublin" which will give you the timetables.

    have a good trip.

  4. The DART train goes to Sydney Parade station from Connolly station, and you can get a feeder bus to the UCD campus.

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