
Is there a car powered by sound?

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I was wondering if there was a car powered by sound. Yesterday i was listening to my music, and surfing the web when i read a link which said think about the environment. Then i had an idea. There's all sort of things to make your car more environmentally friendly,but nothing that is cheap and makes your car give out zero emmissions. Then i had a thought what if there was a car that was powered by sound. A car which runs off vibrations in the air. You could clap your hands and that sound would be amplified a lot then your car could run off these vibrations/sounds. The vibrations/sounds could keep going round and round your car to create power. You could even use something like a rubber band which picks up the vibrations/sounds,the band would be encasing your wheels, this could make your car go up and down. You could then have a similar type of thing to make it go forwards and backwards. Is there anything similar to my idea which already exists or is going to be created in the future.




  1. No, with current technology, we have no sound driven cars.

  2. Don't think so.  That's why they don't go when you shout at them!!  LOL!

  3. it looks like a good idea

  4. no.

    <<clap your hands and that sound would be amplified a lot then your car could run off ...>>

    you do know that 'amplification' requires power.

    in addition, consider that your pocket radio runs off a double-A battery for several days.

    were you thinking that your car could do the same?

    or is there some sort of magic that makes the energy in sound much greater?

    when you find it, you'll be a gazillionaire.

    there's lots of really smart people trying to find out where to get more energy, inexpensively.

    in fact, if you go to a ball game, and watch a home run, all the noise that's generated would likely not be enough to light a 100 watt bulb.  there just isn't much energy in sound waves.

  5. It sounds impossible because sound doesnt have any stored energy!

  6. Maybe its time you bring your sights a little lower SkyGazer and come up with something a little more practical.

  7. hi no ders not a car powered by sound if there was we would all be deph...we would be walking down the road and every car that passes ther would be music blarin

    and if there was a car powered by sound that would just be a bad idea


  8. depends if your mother in law is in the back

  9. i think your onto something! sounds like an excellent idea

  10. the first "nutter" today, it's bad enough with the cranks with there thumping drum sounds driving everyone insane with their horrendous noise, do they know it is illegal

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