
Is there a car that can fly as well?

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Is there a car that can fly as well?




  1. they said there is a car that can fly  but no one has seen it yet

  2. Sure is, they call it a "plane".

  3. Yes. I haven't seen anything lately. But in the early 50s one was made. I believe it was called an Aerocar

  4. nope

  5. There are few car/aircraft hybrids, the oldest being the Aerocar. Some models have been developed and are flying, others are on the drawing board.

    In 1949 Moulton B Taylor crested the first Aerocar, and a company to create them known as Aerocar Co in Longview Washington.

    Haynes-Aero is developing the Skyblazer Flying Car.

    Terrafugia, Inc. is developing the Transition, a roadable Light-Sport Aircraft that will be able to land at the airport, fold up its wings, and drive on the road.

    Moller International has developed what they claim to be the first & only feasible, personally affordable, personal vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) vehicle the world has ever seen.

    Run a search on "Flying Cars" for more information.

  6. I think so.  Not sure of the name though.

  7. Just go and watch 'Back to the Future' it will blow your mind the car can fly and move in time!!!'s mental!!..

  8. i think Audi made one but i may be wrong and i know that they made one on monster garage.

  9. There have been some attempts at it and I think one succeeded

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