
Is there a carnival tomorrow (Feb.21) at Naples or Sorrento? (- -,)?

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If so please do tell me about it. Grazie!

Just curious. (- -,)




  1. I'm sorry but today (Feb. 20) is the last day of every Carnival in Italy, also called "Shrove Tuesday". Tomorrow we have, for the Christian faith, the "Ash Wednesday" in order to celebrate the first day of Lent that is the first day of the penitential period of 40 days before Easter. So, every carnival manifestations will be not allowed during that period.

    Anyway both Naples and Sorrento celebrate a Carnival.

    Carnival at Naples: we get some infos about its origin by the work of Giovanni Battista del Tufo, (a noble of Naples). In his work he gave a description of Naples, of its grandnesses and marvels and he also put some poems about the Carnival. Until the sixteenth century the Carnival has been celebrated only by the nobles with grand parties but one hundred days later the Carnival became a popular party. Since than, the carnival masks began to circulate through the streets of the city and they performed in folk songs. The most popular Neapolitan's mask is "Pulcinella" often called Punch or Punchinello in English.

    Carnival in Sorrento: this year in Sorrento has been celebrated the sixth edition of "Sorrento Carnival" that is the International festival of Contemporary Circus on the Road in which artists and acrobats from 7 different nations, with their shows, have attracted the attention of the people.

  2. Here in Italy today it's the last carnival day, but if you go to Milan, they have more days till Sunday.

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