
Is there a case to be made for prosecuting high-ranking members of the Bush administration as war criminals?

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Is there a case to be made for prosecuting high-ranking members of the Bush administration as war criminals?




  1. If being unpopular was a war crime, then sure.

    Otherwise, no.

  2. Sure there is, as long as you don't concern yourself with those pesky facts.  Otherwise, no there is not.

  3. I believe there is.  In fact, there may be many such cases.  I would suggest, however, that we wait until after the next U.S. president is elected.  The identity of our next president might make a big difference in the proceedings, and the last thing we need right now is a federal government that's more gridlocked than it already is.

  4. If there is no-one has made it yet.

  5. I doubt there was an actual war crime.  Although, perhaps, if it can be shown that Bush "cooked the books," meaning picked which parts of the intelligence he was presented to believe. He is in a delicate position, he pushed the rushing into a war that now many very sensible people doubt was necessary, and over 4000 young Americans have died as a result, not to mention innocent Iraqis, and dare I mention (?) the near bankrupting of the US government.  If he were shown to be wrong in this, he would be in a very bad light, historically and hopefully in his own eyes too.

  6. If you can name a "crime" - sure.  

    Now - I'm talking about a real crime, not something that YOU think he did or is doing that is criminal based on the charges of "Bush lied, people died" BS.

    So, you see, unless laws have been broken, there is NO case for prosecution.

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