
Is there a central location where adoption records are kept?

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I need to find adoption records from the mid seventies in Illinois




  1. They are filed in the county where the adopted parents lived when they first did the adoption.

  2. They are held hostage by the Department of Health, the Court where the adoption was finalized and the agency/DSS who handled the adoption.

    Contact the State and ask about what crumbs of YOUR information they are willing to throw your way.  Also get involved in the fight to restore Adult Adoptees' rights to their own birth records

  3. Try the Clerk of Court's office. But you may need a court order to get the records, since most are sealed.

  4. I would start with the county that you live in?  Call the county and they should be able to direct you to where you need to go.

  5. I don't think so but Illinois is a CI state.  The only way that you can make contact is through the CI.  I wish luck on that one.  CIs are known to s***w up reunions.

  6. We adopted three children..1957, 1961, & 1965..Their records are in the County where the adoption took place..They could access the records if they wished..when they became adults.

  7. each state maintains records at the courthouse in the county where the adoption took place; OBC are still obtained in the county of birth regardless of where the adoption took place.

    I was born in one county and adopted in another county -- both of which were in Illinois.  My amended birth certificate still reflected the county and hospital where i was born but my adoption records are at the Winnebago County Courthouse as well as with DCFS.

    HOWEVER, if you are looking for someone in Illinois, contact the Midwest Adoption Center (.  Mary Wake was the social worker who found me.  They are sanctioned by the state and it is the agency my bmom used to find me.

    ETA::::: let me clarify my statement re: looking for someone in IL -- it doesn't matter if the person still resides in IL -- if the adoption took place in IL, this agency can find them regardless of the current state of residency i.e. I was living in NV when I was found and my bmom in WI so all that really matters is that the adoption took place in IL.

    hope this info helps

  8. Check this site out:

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