
Is there a certain age someone has to be to buy condoms?

by Guest56452  |  earlier

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Im 14 and my boyfriend and I have been going out for more then a year. We have been relying on his sister for condoms. I was wondering if there is an age limit to buy condoms so we don't have to rely on her. Please do not judge me for my decisions.




  1. first i just want to say this it is your business what you do or don't do nobody else  you probably won't meet or see nobody on here so don't care what people may think second you or your boyfriend can go buy condoms at least your thinking of protecting yourselves hope this helps.

  2. no age limit... & don't get too emberassed if you're the one buyin em, people do it all the time.  And get them at wal-mart, pharmacies sell the same ones for twice the price. Oh and also,  people are quoting different % works for condoms.  condoms are non-damaged about 98% of the time, which is why with perfect use they will work 98% of the time. likelihood that you'll use them perfectly very often if you're really horny... not much.  Rough s*x makes it more likely for them to break, especially if your guy lasts a while.  I don't think there is a % on that, but the percentage is definately not as low as 60%... but with the years you got left until you're 18 I'm willing to bet that if you're active a lot of the time you'll get prego from a condom breaking. with 98% effectiveness on a condom you'll be beating the odds to make it through 50 condoms without breakin em. i been through about that many ultra ribbed condoms & the first break i had in them was yesterday, but with the her pleasures I've had 3 in 5 break....

  3. You can be any age to buy condoms. No judging, but good to see that you are protecting yourselves. Be even more safe and buy condoms that contain spermicide.

  4. You can buy them at any age the law requires it

  5. No, but you should go to planned parenthood and get on the pill, its confidential, and it would be free for you, they also have free condoms in the office for people. Condoms are I believe only 60% effective against pregnancy. so thats almost a 50% chance that you could get pregnany using the condom. So don't rely on that as your only method. My cousin got pregnant using the condom only method. LOTS of people do. Any one can buy condoms at any age.  

  6. no you can buy them. you'll just feel embarrassed like the rest of us. but thats normal and will fade when leaving the store . also your a little young to be doing that. average state law to have s*x is 16. so be careful cause your guy and you can be put on s*x offenders list for the fact your both minors and if any one presses charges he will be charged with rape even if you say you consented.

    and to person above condoms are 97% safe. use ones with spermaside you got your self covered for the most part. the pill you still have to watch the times you do it caues your still able to get prego on your egg days.

  7. There is no age. If anyone tries to stop you tell them to mind their own d**n business

  8. no there isn't one, but to the person who answered above i'm pretty sure condoms are 99% effective.

    there are just a few that have random holes in it but, yeah i've been told on multiple occasions that it's 99%

  9. no because you should be safe at any age.

  10. Okay You can buy condoms for sure even at like age 3 Its manditory Cause when teenagers have s*x. What do you think they'll have no protection? i bought condoms when i was 12 Of course just for fun xD Its a law that any one any age can buy condoms hope that helped :]

  11. nope theres no age limit...

    u may also get free ones from planned parenthood...

    im sure people will judge but I can personally say that ur doing a good thing by using condoms.. Congrats!!!

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