
Is there a certain level of ugliness one can reach where attractive clothes only make one look worse?

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This isn't meant to be a mean question.

I always feel ridiculous wearing cute clothes because my face is indisputably ugly. I know wearing cute clothes is supposed to raise your self esteem, but most of the time it seems to lower mine. Do you ever think someone is too ugly to wear cute clothes? Should I just become a plumber and call it good?

Seriously, though.




  1. For guys, no.

    For girls - I hate when 350 pounders wear Hollister and think they're hot.

    As long as you're not severely overweight, keep wearing them. It's not like wearing un-attractive clothes will make your face look better :P

    (I'm sure your face is fine anyways)

  2. No.

    Getting an appropiate hairstyle would help make your face.. not quite so ugly.

  3. Not everybody is beautiful but you have to embrace your ugliness and carry yourself with pride.  There was a woman named Dianna Vreland who was the editor of Vogue Magazine sometime back.  I'll bet when she woke up in the morning she could scare babies.  She was the most glamorous woman in New York during her reign.  Take pride in the fact that no matter how you look when you are young, Old Age is the common denominator everybody gets ugly when they get old. Don't allow other people's standards to define you.  More important than being pretty, is doing something important with your life.  

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