
Is there a certain thing in your house your cat likes to rearrange?

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For some reason, my cats think the kitchen rugs have to be rubber side up. I turn them back over at least 4 times a day!




  1. pictures that are on the table....

    i have 4 cats..  

  2. my cat thinks any cup should be on it's side

  3. If it is not kept in a drawer, toilet paper.  I have the silly notion that it should be in one piece on a roll.:)

  4. Imagine coming home everyday and there are napkins and newspaper...everywhere. O_O Welcome to my nightmare.  

  5. Miss Serena loves to run through the house and pull all towels down - goes on one of the kitty runs where they act crazzzzzzzzzzyyyyy



  6. Mine just pees on brand new shoes... He never touches anything else but the ones that have never been worn or worn once or twice.

  7. well she gets into the cabnet and actually takes out her bag of food and tries to open it even when there totally fresh food in her bowl! she does the same for the canned food!

  8. Not so much arranging things but loves to get near me when I am on my pc!  She will pound her paws on the computer especially when I am typing, and you know what that does!  Some times she goes over to the power switch and boots me off entirely!  So spoiled!  Cheers!

  9. my bed gets rearrange the way they like by them daily whike im at work.. and when i get home they wake up and say... oh is it that time already.. i have been sleeping all day... grrr.. i have 3 cats

  10. my cats are always rearranging things too. just this morning one of them rearranged the toilet paper, he decided it looked better off the roll and on the floor in a shredded heap ; )

  11. Yes, all stupid nonsense doilies must be placed on the floor. See my husband's aunt left us this house and he (my hunny) seems to think it is necessary to put them on every end table (we have a lot) and as soon as he goes threw the house and puts them back on. The cats hiding under the said tables wait for him to walk away then they start taking them all down again. I tell him "when I catch them I shoo them away".............but i never do.  

  12. lol...not partically, though I have one, if you get ice out of the freezer, you'd better give him a cube. He will play hockey with it for a while, then l**k the ice cube.

  13. LOL! My linen closet! It doesn't always latch properly. In the middle of the night they can really do a good job of "laying everything out" on the floor for me to re-fold the next morning.  Haven't figured out how to put a baby latch on that door yet. LOL!

  14. I can't leave jewelry anywhere because one of our cats is obsessed with shiny things.    She also likes ribbons.   But I really can't complain, she also likes to sweep things up with her paw.....snacks that have come out of the dish, one of her sister's barf (sorry) and anything else that seems out of place.

  15. My cats grab things and drag them to the floor.  The main ones are tablecloths, towels, the closet door curtain, and even a wall lamp which they only rip from the wall when the power's on.  If it's a tablecloth, they add a million little fang holes to stop me from putting it back on the table.

  16. Hi Pretty Kitty, I haven't seen you around much lately. I gotta say, my cats seem to think that the litter belongs outside of the box. They dig and dig and then before you know it the litter is everywhere except inside the litter box.  

  17. Yes lol, my cats love to ruffle up the bathroom rugs, I end up tripping over the rug everyday! They also insist on pulling up the carpets near each cupboard so that it is impossible for me to open them without having to fight with the carpet each time!

  18. My cat will ALWAYS take the car keys and hide them somewhere around the house.

    He thinks that it's funny to watch someone go screaming around the house yelling "I'm going to be late for work! WHERE DID THAT CAT HIDE THE KEYS NOW!"

    It got to the point where we now have to put all our keys in a jar that has a tightly sealed lid and put little buttons on them that when you press another button, beeps until you find it.

  19. People.

    Seriously, two of my babies - Tibbins and Willow - like to rearrange people. If we're sitting in a chair either of them happen to want, Tibbins will claw your leg mercilessly until you get up. Willow will just jump on you and meow in your face.

    Sometimes it's the other way round, and they want you sat in a particular spot so they can nap on your lap. Willow tends to just jump from you and the spot she wants, and Tibs just stares evilly at you.

    The other two don't do it, and Willow didn't do it at first. I swear she 'learnt' to rearrange people from evil demonic Tibs!

  20. i stick a old towel on the kitchen sink floor rug and the cats mess that up. they mess up a blanket that hangs on the couch arms. my one cat steels my beany baby toys on my dresser. it is a mess and disorganized!

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