
Is there a chance that I will still be popular if...?

by  |  earlier

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I just pooped my pants in class in front of everyone. I tried to play it off like it was just a smelly f**t but then p**p dropped out of the leg of my jeans. Everyone laughed and one girl threw up on me. Is there a chance that people will still like me?




  1. i think you have bigger problems than being popular if you're pooping in your pants

  2. Make sure you apologize and tell everyone that you must have caught some virus because it made you p**p out of control.  That a tough problem to tackle.  If this really happened, which I don't actually believe.

  3. It is a far greater error to base your self image on the opinions of others than to p**p in public.

  4. Oh, god. Ok, first of all, don't suicide.

    How long ago was it? How old are you? If it's in high school, don't worry much, cos you'll be in college soon, and no-one will know you as 'the guy who did it in his pants'

    I am sorry if this happened to you. Were you sick? Do you have any illnesses that you can blame it on?

    Man, I am sorry for you. Little chance of people forgetting an incident like that.

    People still like you? Possibly. Just because of an incident like this, doesn't mean people won't like you, but they'll be remembering the incident. Try and explain it away via illness.

    If nothing works, act all suicidal about it, and then fake an attempt, so that people will realize that this may affect you in the long run mentally.

    Try not to hold off too long for an explanation.

    Or too long for a bathroom next time.

    Sorry, bad joke.


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