
Is there a chance that i will skip my period?

by  |  earlier

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I know that if you suddenly change your physical activity level, you could skip your period. I have had mine for almost 2 years now, if that matters. Anyway, soccer practice started about 1 1/2 weeks ago and I went from total couch potato to active for 2 hours on monday and friday nights when I have soccer practice. And maybe active for 30 minutes 1 or 2 other days of the week. Is that enough of a change to be able to skip my period? I am actually supposed to get it tomorrow and I have not had any signs of it that I normally get, like cramps and headaches. I really wanna skip it cuz there are supposed to be a bunch of elementary school kids from a childcare place where my big sister works that are coming to our house for a cookout and end-of-summer party on thursday and I am supposed to demonstrate the slip-n-slide. I am not allowed to use tampons yet because my mom said that 13 is too young.




  1. The jury is still out on that

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