
Is there a chance that the California fires were caused by terrorists ?

by Guest63665  |  earlier

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I say this because it is not likely that they would admit it immediately; they may want time and hot weather to start some more. To me they are too big and too many started at about the same time to be "natural fires"




  1. Written like someone who has never been to California in October.

    This is the way of nature.

    There are many fires on any given day ion California, and some of them might last all summer. Natural conditions since the last Ice Age favor it.

    You know how in a hurricane with 100 MPH winds, sometimes people find their stuff miles away from the house?

    The Santa Ana winds were in the 70-100MPH category - hurricane strength. That means they are able to toss embers at least several miles.

    I as in Oakland the day of the fire there in the hills in the early 90s. I evacuated from my friend's house about a mile from the edge of the fire towards the waterfront about 4 miles away as the crow flies. it was almost impossible to breathe because of the smoke, and we were being bombarded with burning embers.

    Luckily there was only concrete and water around, but had their been more forest, there would have been more fire.

    This is how these fires spread, ask any fireman or anyone in California.

    And like I said, they have done so all the time since the Ice Age.

    Why do you think we call it "Fire Season" anyway?

  2. There is a chance yes, but there's also a chance that Big Foot caused them.

    Contrary to what the news coverage would have you believe, these are NOT the first fires we have ever had. They could have been cause by anything from downed power lines to someone flicking a cigarette butt out of the window.

  3. The California Police have already arrest one arsonist who admitted to starting several of the fires which became part of the big one. Don't look for conspiracy when there is none.

  4. Saturday morning I noticed a combination of low humidity and high winds, always a dangerous time of year.

    It's not like planning for a tsunami.  Southern California has Santa Ana winds every fall, just like Buffalo has snow every winter.

    We live in a world with faith-based levee repair.  Where bridges must be safe because they didn't already collapse.  Where we expect the government to control fires and protect structures, even though we build under the tallest trees and in the steepest canyons.

    Terrorists might intend to cause damage, but we cause much more damage to ourselves through neglect and stupidity.

    - CarlD

  5. See how Bush has handed the terrorists the ability to panic a nation without even lifting a finger?Y'all need to calm down.You have your own homegrown arsonists if you ask me.

  6. Yes.  But it is unlikely.  The most likely cause of direct human involvement in staring them is with regards to arsonists starting them (see the link below).  

    And anyone who deliberately causes a fire like this is scum.

  7. oh c'mon.......there is the same probability that a drunk r****d threw a light mach and started the fire........

  8. Just look at how ridiculously brainwashed our society is.. EVERYONE IS OUT TO GET US!!!!!!!!!!!!! TERRORISTS EVERYWHERE!!!!! take a chill pill... if terrorists wanted cali dead, they'd use one of their viral weapons instead... don't forget all the dumass kids that d**k around with fire, and drunk *** campers that do stupid c**p. main factor is the WIND.... thats why it's been spreading.... actually there's a better chance of government testing a new weapon than a terrorist attack... :P

  9. I know one of them was started by an illegal immigrant from Guatemala.

  10. theres 0% chance terrorists started the fires.

    there no water and 100s of acres of dried timber in CA.

    just w8 to catch fire from lighting strikes.

  11. Maybe! Terrorist are crazy and inhuman!

  12. obviously ... but the timothy McVeigh kind .. .homegrown.

    any arsonst IS a terrorist.. .no matter their politics... no matter their religion ....  no matter their motive.

    and yes some of the californian fires have been started by arsonists.

    EDIT:curious as to the reasons my answer has recieved thumbs down... do you disagree that an arsonist IS a terrorist? try living in a fire risk zone and tell me they aren't

  13. there sure is a chance!!

  14. Nah, not lethal enough.  If there's a chance it was started by arsonists and aided by nature then the terrorists are going to be on the back foot in trying to claim responsibility.  So far only a hand full of people have actually died, probably avoidably so too.

  15. Osama bin hopin nobody would realise that Al Queda  started them. Seriously though  fire is a favourite weapon of Islamic terrorists and it would not be in  their interests to admit to it straight away.

  16. Sigh...

  17. Last Saturday morning I thought, my lips need some chapstick.

    That's always a sign of low humidity.

    I opened the front door.  The leaves and branches were pushed to oneside like when your hair is hit by a hairdryer.

    The combination of low humidity and high winds is always dangerous.

    It happens every fall, like clockwork.  

    We live in a world with faith-based levee repair.  Where bridges must be safe because they didn't already fall.  Where we expect government to save our houses from seasonal fire danger.

    Even if terrorists intended to cause harm, they wouldn't be able to match the damage we cause by neglect and bleeping stupidity.

  18. No, there are no terrorists the only terrorist is Bush

  19. No, but they are often started by pathetic kids and arsonists.

  20. Oh dear...big sigh as well.

    Can you see how we have all be brainwashed into thinking everything bad that happens is a terrorist attack.

    Run the country on fear, then  the government can do anything it likes.

    More likely to be American citizens, who are arsonists, or just natural causes. Hot, dry weather, one spark and high winds.

  21. More likely to be home owners who couldn't keep up with their payments.

  22. Time will tell!!!

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