
Is there a chance the fry will be blue?

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So I have a turquoise male guppy who has mated with all of my females who gave birth to fry already but I was wondering if the babies are going to be turquoise like him(he's not really turquoise but a dark blue).




  1. A lot depends on the female guppy who dropped the fry and what genes she was carrying for color.  Also, are you sure that the fry your females dropped were from this male?  Were these females virgins?  Most fish from the pet store come already pregnant and female guppies can carry sperm from a single male for up to six months, so you may have some wild card fry, still.  At any rate,  blue is a dominant color, so if your male mated with any similarly colored females, there is a chance you will get some blue or turquoise colored fins on the fry.  Don't expect to know for sure what color the fry will be until they are at least 5-6 months old.  They can color up as young as 3 months, but the colors can keep changing.

  2. they could be.  it all depends on all of the bettas past famly.

  3. well, it would be helpful to know what color the females are. but since hes a blue-ey color, then some of them may be blue. genetics is a weird thing in fish. =]

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