
Is there a charity competition amongst celebrities that I'm not aware of?

by  |  earlier

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Who's gonna adopt the most kids, who's gonna participate in the most hunger, autistic, blah blah blah campaigns etc etc etc

I'm sorry I'm not buying any of these self - promotion moves when they have 10 houses and won't inhabit a hotel room unless there are pineapples & flowers arranged to form their name, and take 5 min to throw a pathetic politically correct video only to have it good with their consciousness and cause "everyone else is doing it"..

What do you think of this hypocritical trend that has entered a new dimension the last few years?




  1. Erm... Wrong section :-S

  2. I agree, and i think the worse at the moment for what youve just described is Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt !  We dont want to know how many kids and from what Countries your "Buying" them from!

    Good rant Touz!

  3. What I'm wondering is, whats up with you asking all these serious questions all of a sudden?

    EDIT:  I can't bring myself to say those words.  I'm just not ready for them.

  4. Excellent question. I completely agree with you. They think they're doing some good to the people, when in reality they make us all feel worse. They are such hypocrites and I wish that they'd stop being so fake.

  5. :O oh touz,angry? never!

    we anna on a wee rant there eh :P.

    having a baby is to do with fashion now a having one of them little dogs in your bag (paris hilton) that was "fashion" . it's celebrates that put out a negative attitude to young girls out there. because girls are having a baby at 16,17,18 so on just becouse there friends are having one..that's is so young. look at Britney spear's little sister..she followed her big sister attitude.

  6. yeah it sucks


  8. I agree with you 100% yet they do form part of society's economical infrastructure. For example the whole football world is full of money motivated people from the players to the League Board to the TV stations. The money all flows. Unfortunately, it all goes out of OUR pockts, sigh

  9. oh yes...I noticed that too...seems its a "trend" in the promi insider scene currentley.

    Im wondering if they r realy cared about the kids at home... or if they leave them just to the babysitter after the housedoor closed and the cameras turn off? knows...

    Madona and Brangelina were best examples how "easy" it is to get a kid from the 3rd world...that was very fast.

  10. hey, when a celebrity pays $5,000 for panties, they pump money back into the economy. same when they spend $10000000 on cars, homes.

    do you think most people care about angelina because she adopted kids?

    but i agree with what you're getting at. charity is easy with this luxury and wealth but nonetheless its charity.

    they're better than corporates who suck the blood of the poor.

    (i am not a marxist).

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