
Is there a charity that will help me paint or put siding on my house?

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My house is in a pretty bad shape. We do not have the money to fix it and would like to know if there is any charities or churches that would help with this sort of thing. Don't usually beg for money but it is going to be unliveable we need help bad. Please do not make cruel comments until you have been in similar situations. I don't need the sarcasm.




  1. Best bet would probably be to start calling around.  Or possibly refinance the home.  If you need help doing the work contact the Probabtion Dept. in your community and ask them if you could get some people who need to put in community servoce hours to come out and help.

  2. Homes for Humanity

  3. I imagine if you contacted some of your local churches telling them what you need and asking them if they have or know of any charities you could probably get an answer.

    Good luck.

  4. check out grants in your town/city...usually on the city web site...there are ALOT of options out there...usuallly you will only have to agree to stay in the house for x amount of years.

  5. Call you local Vet Center, ahem veterans center where they can give you federal, state, or local organization who can assist you. Most programs are dependant on your income and age.

    Checking with the city to see what funds might be there to assist you and your predicatment.

    Inquire about federal, state, or local programs.

    Good luck JR.

  6. In my area it is called Habitat for the city office that you live in and ask them, You could contact the salvation army and ask them.

  7. There's a group called Rebuilding Together that helps homeowners repair their homes.  Volunteers will come out and help with various projects.  You would have to find out if there is a chapter operating in your area and whether you qualify for their assistance.

  8. Really depends on where you live.  Look in your local phone book see if you community has any Neighborhood/Social services available,  My sister's church has a mission where they go to Appalachia and perform home repairs.  If you have a HUD loan, I think you can also contact them for help.

  9. gospel missions most often have men in their programs that train and go out to help people in their community with home type stuff. . I don't know what city or state. but I know where I live we have at least one that does this kind of thing. union gospel mission.

  10. Churches usually help out.

  11. Yes, you sure can find charity that will help you. You don't lets us know where you live, but you can try asking in churches and even calling to the "city offices" of the area you live at.

    Do you think you can ask you family and friends to help you buying and even painting your house?

    I have painted part of my house myself, and that is not my profession.

    Hope you can find the way to make your house look pretty. Good Luck

  12. Ask your church, or house of worship. Try the local bar but do it before drinking at the bar, not after.

  13. I am not sure where you are located, but you can contact your local salvation army or good will and they might be able to direct you to a charity in your area that can help you with your needs.

    Good Luck!

  14. Depends where you live, where i live here in iowa theres a place called operation threshold that would help out in those types of situations. i know this place has several offices in our state but not sure in the country assuming your from U.S. Check with your local chamber of commerce they would be able to help you out by giving you the various info that would be available. Goodluck.

    Email me tell me where you live and i could possibly help guide you in right direction

  15. Well, you would have to do your homework.  There are A LOT of programs out there designed to assist those in your situation.  I would start with your local Social Services Department, and perhaps they can help or  point you in the right direction.  You may have to meet certain requirements, depending on the program.

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