
Is there a chat group for myspace.?

by Guest58888  |  earlier

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For questions and answers and help with myspace.




  1. Yes, MySpace has it's own chat room.

  2. Motor car manuals are too formulaic. I'd change the oil - according to their specifications. But I'd do it at one half of their suggested mileage. Only costs you a few dollars, and can't do anything but good.

  3. yea, download the myspace im. and in ur buddy list or w/e, a chatroom pops up automatically. pple ther r crazy tho

  4. yes it actually shows you the chatroom on your home page under myspace links.....:)

  5. yes. you go to where it lists all the options like download myspace IM && it will be on there. just pick the one you want.

  6. yeh, myspaceim

  7. Do I like this guy( ) or have a crush on this guy or what??? I need HELP!!?

    I am a freshman and there is this junior that I think is REALLY HOT!!! I cannot stop thinking about him..i always talk about him and whenever I walk pass him i always get this funny feeling in my stomach and whenever I get close to him I cannot stop smiling! But, I have never had a conversation or talked to him before so i barely know what his personality is like (people say he is REALLY nice). Do I like this person or what??? My friends say that I can't like him because i have never really talked to him b4 but I cannot stop thinking about him. What is it???

    P.S. I think there are other people in the school that are hot too, but for some reason I cannot stop talking and thinking about this particular person....why is that??

    15 minutes ago - Edit - Delete

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