
Is there a cheaper version of on star for less expensive cars?

by  |  earlier

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As a disabled driver I really like the security the onstar would provide but there automobiles are a little much for my budget.

My question would there be a cheaper divice that you could put on a standard van( dodge caravan the would do the same?




  1. Just keep your cell phone with you.It will make a 911 call even if the battery is low as long as the phone is on it can be traced.

  2. No, not at this time, only GM offers the OnStar but as stated above your cell phone is just as good and will get you out of a jam if needed, good luck.

  3. not that i know of but hear onstar sucks too. they wont help you until they get confirmation on your charge being accepted and they have really bad service.

  4. just bring your cell phone in the car

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