
Is there a city in Italy called MIAMI?

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i KNOW there's a Miami, FL. but is there another Miami in Italy?




  1. as far as i know there is not a city in italy called miami. i have searched and found a list of all the cities in italy and Miami was not found. there is however a Miami California

  2. absolutely NO!  I live in italy !

  3. No, if there was a city bearing that name, that'd be very well known!

    (Mi ami = You love me, in Italian)

  4. Closet thing to Miami is Milano

  5. I would say no, but for sure there is a small place called California ;-))

    Similar names:the numbers are the postal code

    Miane (31050)

    Miasino (28010)

    Miazzina (28817)

    Miagliano (13816)

    Dinami (89833)

    Villa Miani (Polignano a Mare - 70044)

    Miano (Corniglio - 43021)

    Miano (Medesano - 43014)

    Miano (Modigliana - 47015)

    Miano (Napoli - 80145)

    Miano (Teramo - 64100)

    Mian (Carlino - 33050)

    Case Miano (Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto - 98051)

    Ca' Miane (Riese Pio X - 31039)

    Cantoniera Santu Miali (Villanova Monteleone - 07019)

    Biamini (Asti - 14100)

    Binami (Castiglione del Lago - 06061)

    Priami (Rimasco - 13026)

    Iamiano (Doberdò del Lago - 34070)

    Ca' Pirami (Jesolo - 30016)

    Poggi Briami (Paroldo - 12070)

  6. There is no city called Miami, but there is a hotel called Miami Hotel.

    Here is their website:

  7. There is no Miami, only Hotel Miami, which is located on Via Nazionale 230 in Rome, Italy.

    As far as I know there is also no Italy in Miami.

  8. no miami, but there's a philadelphia though (i guess its written filadelfia)

  9. There isn't...MiAMI in italian= Do you love me?


  10. No, but there is a Miami in Ohio.

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