
Is there a commercial product to keep my cats from scratching furniture?

by  |  earlier

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I have 2 cats that like to sharpen their claws on my good dining table. Does anyone know of a product that I can spray or paint on the furniture to detract them? The scratching post doesn't do it - and they wait until I go to bed at night or am at work to use the table.




  1. None that I know that Will work , they are scratching their pads on their paws. There are sprays that is suppose to keep them off furniture look at your local pet store.

  2. If you spray the table with deterrent spray, that will probably keep them from doing it. You can also use aluminum foil on the table, because cats HATE aluminum foil. Otherwise, you can spray the cats with water every time they do it. It won't hurt them, and it will teach them that discomfort will happen if they scratch the table.

  3. For immediate relief, wrap the table legs in aluminum foil. You can remove it when you have guests and the rest of the time it should deter them from using the legs like trees.  

  4. well I don't know of a repellent but I do know of soft paws they are little nail covers that will prevent your cats from scratching anything.My cats use them and they are great because I have a baby in the house so I don't have to worry about them accidentally scratching him.

  5. Get a spray bottle and fill it up with water.  If they jump up there, spray them.  

  6. no, not that i have heard of, what i would try is to get your cat a scratching  post it will help i have one and my cats love it.

  7. yes - go to a store like petco or petsmart and ask for a cat repellant. there are products to spray on your furniture that will deter cats from scratching, you can't smell it, but they can't stand it!

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