
Is there a common pattern to sudoku?

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I know how to play and I love the game but there has got to be a way to make it easy or something




  1. There are about 6 billion basic final solutions  for 9 by9 sudoku grids.  Each one maybe translate to 3 million different looks. And then, the puzzle is made by taking out numbers from the board, that probably create another million or more variations.  

    Sudoku can be played with any symbols. Number 1-9 are the most common one.  They could be characters, words, pictures, Chinese characters ,chess pieces......... has numbers, pictures, Chinese characters.

    For easier game, some sudokus even have repeated symbols, less grids, masked numbers, all sort of ways to make it easy.

    To play sudoku or alike, finding a difficulty level compatible to one's capability is very very crucial, in order to have fun.

    If the grid too easy ==> NO FUN.

    and when it gets too hard ==> FRUSTRATION.

    It is tough to know ones own level, and it gets more complicated when sudoku difficulty rating varies from maker to maker, time to time..... and then players' skill also getting better...

    The above-mentioned web-site publishs grids have multiple level of easiness in the same grid, and let the players pick their own comfort-level while playing.  But you still have to evaluate your "Comfort-Zone" with playing and practicing.

    Have FUN.

  2. Yes... each box has 1 to 9 occuring once, and each line has 1 to 9 occuring once ;-)

    There is no magic pattern, every Sudoku is different, but adheres to the same basic rules.

    Anyway why do you want to find an easy way to solve them, the challenge is the point.

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