
Is there a company that sells generic Apple macs?

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My friend told me that there is a company (that got sued, but is still up and running) that sells computers just like apple. Does anyone know the name of that company and if they still sell computers?




  1. There is no such company, and if one exists then it is completely illegal! Apple has their computers copyrighted and only they make them. If you google how to build a hackintosh you can read about how to make a new computer which will run Mac OS but this option is usually just as or more expensive and positively more hassle.

  2. There used to be a bunch of Mac clone computer shops out there, I wasn't aware any existed these days.  Apple apparently has some hardware in their machines that act as handshaking devices that qualify it as a genuine Apple product to the OS - apparently otherwise the OS refuses to recognize the hardware (Thus why you can't install OS X on an HP or something without some serious hacking).

    Buy Apple hardware, it'll be sure to actually work.

  3. No, the era of Mac Clones are pretty dead. PsyStar claims they're still around, but Apple won't let them live.

  4. Phystar but i think they stopped selling because their website is down.

  5. There used to be mac clones but it didn't quite work out (all the clones did was take market share away from Apple which caused Apple to decide to stop selling their OS to others), some of those companies are probably still selling PC's.

    Currently Apple computers are PC's that look strange so it's much easier to do the hardware part of it (no need for the PowerPC chip) but the OS is still different and there are technical features to prevent people running Mac OS X on normal PC's.  To be able to run Mac OS X legally you have to have a licence from Apple and right now that only comes with an Apple computer.

    Mac OS X can be hacked to run on a regular PC though and people have done it although it is illegal to do so (but quite a bit cheaper than Apple's overpriced hardware).

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