
Is there a connection between Congress' 9% approval rating and Lincoln's quote...?

by Guest62085  |  earlier

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that you can fool "some of the people all the time"




  1. Yes, Dems keep supporting Pelosi and her crew.

  2. No.

    Lincoln's quote is proven by george w bush being in The White House.

  3. Congress has such a low approval rating because Republican Senators have filibustered 72 bills so far this year.  And that's why nothing's getting done.  In order for the Democrats to be able to get something done, they'll need a filibuster proof 60 vote majority in the Senate.  Right now, the Democrats have a slim 51 vote majority and can get nothing done without the Republicans filibustering.  

  4. Sure is.

    Pelosi will not allow anything on the House floor that she doesn't want to see passed into a law.  Pelosi gives a whole new meaning to sorry.

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