
Is there a connection between the Saxon Kings of England with the Romans?

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Im just wondering if someone has found a way of connecting the Saxon Kings to the Emperors of the Roman Empire.




  1. The Anglo, Saxon and Jutes were Germanic.

    Now, as the Roman Empire went into decline it was overrun by Germanic tribes and after it fell, men of Germanic origin became Emperors.

  2. Most people who claim Roman descent in their tree have the name  "Flavius Afranius Syagrius" in their tree who was a Roman senator and proconsul around the year 380 AD.  He is the earliest generally accepted ancestor of Charlemagne, Elizabeth II and most of the Royal Houses of Europe.  No-one has ever linked them into the famous Emperors like Ceasar, Hadrian, Augustus or Nero or anybody like that, at least not reliably - as far as I know., though I should imagine that there are decsendants of these men walking the planet today somewhere.

    The Saxon kings of England link into the Normans easily enough.  An early ancestor of William the Conquerer (Emma of Normandy) was one of three wifes of Ethelred the Unready and gave birth to Edward the Confessor in 1003.  But the documented Saxon line itself doesn't go back much beyond the year 770.  The records just aren't reliable enough.  If they do link into the Roman empire, the records have just been lost in the mists of time.  They didn't call it the Dark Ages for nothing!

  3. As far as I am aware the Saxons were of germanic descent. You'll find that the english language leans heavily on german rather than latin.

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