
Is there a consensus among the experts regarding GEORGIA'S invasion by Russia?

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If this has caught most by surprised, shouldn't there be an idea already as to what is truly going on with this "supposed" invasion. I say supposed because most things about it seem to be like pieces from different puzzles.




  1. Georgia belongs to US

  2. It boils down to this:

    Russia dared Georgia to start a war;

    Georgia did;

    Georgia lost, and it wasn't close. This wasn't the US vs Iraq in 1990, or even the Falklands war in '82. This was steamroller vs watermelon.  

  3. America is the only country that is reporting it that way. Our MEDIA has been compromised.

    Georgia broke a 1992 treaty with South Ossetia which has been self-ruled since 1992. Georgia killed Russian civilians and peacekeepers there. Israeli and American troops armed and trained them. After calling a ceasefire, the Georgian Army attacked the capital city of South Ossetia, Tskhinvali and committed war-crime atrocities there. Up to 30,000 of the people in that tiny republic have fled over the border to Russia since they carry Russian passports anyway.

    Mysteriously there were US troops found dead with the Georgians and English was heard being shouted during the word on whether there were any Israelis found. Most have been flown out after the attack.

    Russia came in and saved those people from genocide. You can see a lot of the videos made on that day and can see what was done to the capital. After kicking the Georgians back over their border, you can watch the Russians walking around amiably. They were welcome there and not worried about their safety. There are journalists all over that country who have been ignored by the US press.

    Thank God for the internet...though did you know Google blacked out the maps in that region? Can't think of why???


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