
Is there a consistent demand for directors?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a senior in high school and considering going to film school and majoring in directing. My family is not supportive of this, but film is my passion. My question is, is there a demand for director's, considering you are good at it? Or is the market flooded with director's? Thanks for any help.




  1. The market is flooded.

    That said, somebody is going to have to be the director for the next generation.  How persistent are you?  Are you willing to direct just about any dreck that comes your way?  Can you survive on Mac-n-cheese and Ramen noodles until your break comes?

    Get into a good BFA program and prepare to slog it out until your career is built.  BTW, most directors also act, stage manage, and know the full range of skills for lighting, set, etc.  So be prepared to diversify and work, work, work.

  2. With the amount of people who want to be a Field director only 35 percent stay in the field after two years and out of the 35 percent most change careers within 5 years.  Few are VERY successful and pay starts out as low as $21,000 a year with FORMAL (4 - 8 yrs college) education and the average film director makes about $34,000 dollars a year.  

    Film Director's Average Career ->

    Profile of a Film Director ->

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