
Is there a conspiracy in the World Trade Center Towers collapsing on 9/11?

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I am having to write a paper stating whether I believe that the World Trade Center towers collapse simply as a result of being hit by the airliners, or because of explosiveness planted to produce a "controlled demolition." Now I had heard that there was conspiracy's regarding 9/11 but this one is new to me. Where can I find informative websites that may be able to give me a good opinion on the topics above? Is there any non-online sources available?




  1. Yes. Bin Laden conspired to destroy the buildings, then had his people carry out his plans.

  2. Who said how long would it take to plant the explosives?  Anyways it would take 2 weeks.  The 2 weeks that the individual floors were closed down for one reason or another.  Bush's brother was the head of security for the trade centers up until 9-10-2001.  He quit, the deputy director of the FBI took over.  First day sept 11, killed in explosion.  What was he doing for the FBI you ask?  He was paid 100,000 not to go after Al Qeuda.  Make sure that you point out that 1 week before the attack they stopped bringing the bomb dogs into the towers (standard operating procedure).  But no there was no conspiracy or bombs.  lol whatever.  Don't believe any c**p that these half wanna be truthers say.  9-11 was criminal government funded.  It doesn't make sense any other way.

  3. Wikipedia

    and type conspiricy theories

    but since anyone could change the info on wikipedia it isnt a good fact source so try the following

  4. Get the dvd farenheit 9/11     decide for yourself

    don't take anyone else's opinion into consideration until you have the facts

  5. Check out - it's a documentary about several different "conspiracy theories" and one of them outlines the world trade center and was incredibly interesting. You can watch the movie right on the website, or download it - I don't stand on a particular side, but it was really interesting nonetheless.

  6. History channel has had a special on the conspiracy.  They also had evidence against all parts.

  7. Go to

    The document linked at the top is interesting, and fairly recent.   It is an article published in The Open Civil Engineering Journal, called "Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction".  You can get it directly here (PDF download)

    The 14 points are interesting, but more interesting are the points noted for further and better explanation from NIST.

    Know that NIST has debunked the "pancake collapse" theory of Popular Mechanics and FEMA.  Yep … the government’s investigators debunk the government’s other investigators!

    The problem with NIST is they are not anxious to look for evidence of explosives.  No doubt with that attitude, they won't find such evidence!   It is then easy for them to say “we have found no evidence of explosives…”, and people believe it because they "said so".  What a joke!

  8. By all means do your research. But as you do so, ask yourself a few questions... What would it take to install these explosives in the towers? How long would it have reasonably taken to install these explosives in full sight and knowledge of the workers in the towers and how much LONGER could it have taken since they had to hide their activities? And given those answers, how could Bush have PLANNED and put all these pieces into play secretly when he had only been President for 9 months?

    Hope you get an "A"

  9. Check out 'In Plane Sight' DVD - shows much info also on the Pentagon explosion with NO plane debris whatsoever.

    As for the WTC demolitions/explosions - let us NOT forget WTC #7 that no one has even tried to claim a plane hit! It 'fell' on its own - um, HOW?? if charges were not planted there already - pre-planted by those in power to ultimately push their control-freak/War Agenda.

    Hope this is a start for you. (Also check YouTube and even metacafe for some interesting vids on 9/11.)

  10. One of the best 9/11 websites I've found online.

  11. youtube has alot of videos of that day and are very interesting to watch....try it you may see somethings that will shock you...just type 911 in the search

  12. The people that buy into the whole "9/11 Truth" thing are absolutely, certifiably insane.

  13. There certainly was a conspiracy involving 9/11.  Several men from Saudi Arabia came to the US and took flying lessons.........I think you know the rest.

  14. Very simple. Go to or google and type in your question. Millions upon millions of articles and websites will be there.

  15. The only 'conspiracy' is that my tax dollars have been used to 'educate' the fools coming up with this nonsense. Obviously a criminal waste of money.

  16. 9/11 = The second woe, the second seal

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