
Is there a contact lens that make your eyes appear straight !!Lazy eye!!?

by  |  earlier

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I got in an care accident and my optic nerve was damaged and l lost vision in my right eye, and the doctors said there's no hope for it, And know that eye became lazy and drifts off,

I"am just wondering if there is some kind of contact lens or some thing that can make it appear normal again




  1. Unfortunately, no there is not.  The only option for you would be to have surgery on one of the eye muscles to pull your eye back into the straight position.  If you are interested in something like that, consult your doctor and they should be able to refer you to a good surgeon.

  2. i dont think so. if the doctors cant do anything, than I dont think contacts can either

  3. i have a similar problem and i still havent resolved it. i was born with two different sized pupils. not naturally my mother had an infection when she was pregnant and the medication interfered with my vision development. so when i take picture one eye looks like smaller. i thought contacts would help. the specialist i went to dint seem to have a good idea of what was going on so i never tried the contacts but i always figured that if they could perform operations on the cornea then perhaps they can fix the appearance if not the vision. i can see well not out that particular eye but the two combined i can see very well. i just hope it can be done coz i dont like how it looks at all. its not too bad i've seen worse but still i dont like it. i hope you can get yours fixed. good luck and wish me luck

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