
Is there a coolant that I can use in my motorcycle from Wal-mart/K-mart/chain auto parts stores

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I want to change my coolant this weekend but the motorcycle shop is already closed for the weekend




  1. Any parts store will sell premix Coolant.

    I always used Rockoil Kool, but I dont know if you can get it outside of the UK.

  2. There is more to it than with or w/o silicate. And low silicate is better than no silicate. The only time silicates become a problem is when a system is neglected for years. The silica can crystalize and cause erosion. However if a system is maintained at all, it helps form a coating that protects soft metals and plastics. Prestone's Dexcool compatible coolant is much better than the OE Shell / Texaco/ Delco brand because Prestone has very low silicates.  

    Some manufacturers recommend (OA) organic acid based coolant.

    You should make sure you use a type that will not damage any seals. Zerex GO 5 is compatible with almost everything and is better than just about all OE types.

  3. Silicate free coolant is used to avoid wearing (from abrasion) the plastic tanks on the radiator and aluminum componants in the engine. Almost all coolants are silicate free these days. Go to a Toyota dealer and buy their coolant because they only use silicat free and have done so for years.  

  4. I've used the orange Prestone Dexcool 5/150 in Hondas for a number of years.

  5. Use whatever you like, as long as it's rated for aluminum engines.

  6. Go to a Honda car dealership and get a gallon of their premix coolant, it's a lot cheaper way to buy the same stuff the bike dealers sell in quarts. And avoid the Dexcool c**p.

  7. yes wlamart and kmart both carry a coolamnt that is campatible with any aluminum engine.

  8. you get what you pay for..........

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