
Is there a correlation with being an overweight female and driving slow in the passing lane?

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It seems to me that 90+% of the time when someone is driving slow in the passing lane that it is an obese female. Has anyone else ever noticed this?




  1. Josia,  I hear you man!!  There is a correlation between being an obese female and driving slow in the fast lane....and cutting in line at the store, standing in the doorway digging for a list at Wal mart etc.....they think the world owes them something and they dont value thier's their mentality that I am "disabled" and the world should cater to me

  2. Yes, I believe that if someone is pre-disposed to making bad decisions than they're going to make bad decisions all over their life. Health, mate choice, where to live, what kind of job, and yes, even driving.

    But they could just be undereducated and that could reflect in the fact that they're overweight as well.

  3. Can't say that I have. Maybe you have some sort of general dislike for them and notice them more which in turn reaffirms the dislike in your mind.

    Basically you expect it to happen so you notice more which makes it seems like it occurs more.

    Just a guess idk ^^.

  4. Sorry I'm too busy dodging all the SUV cell phone freaks to notice who’s driving slow in the passing lane. I'm always in the right lane doing the speed limit and having People on their cell phones just merge from the left lanes in to the right lane while talking on the cell phones and ignoring the fact that I'm even there. It’s possible they are dodging the people you speak of.

  5. they drive slow because they are driving with thier knees... I hand has food in it the other a cell phone

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