
Is there a country that doesn't need to haul snow away? that is that has a system that directs it to where...

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where it can be saved and be reused for washing cars gardening etc.? I just can't believe the amount of energy and tens of millions of dollars spent for this past weekend's snow.




  1. If we didn't have to use every little space for people, we would have room to pile up the snow.

    The people that plan and sell the real estate don't care about these items as they won't be there to live with the consequences.

  2. directing snow to fall where you want it is just about as successful as herding cats.

    however, snow eventually melts, and heads for the nearest river.

    which frequently has a dam or 2 or 3 or more.

    but snow that falls downtown either stays there until it melts, or gets carted away.

  3. Australia for one......almost any equatorial country. You know, like  Cuba.

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