
Is there a country whose food supply hasnt been tainted by FDA or similar organizations?

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Adding chemicals or preservatives to food is not cool, especially if they're not listed on the label and are deadly. Can anyone tell me if there's a country who tries their best to be honest about food supply? And i dont mean the fake "organic" labels put into food these days. Oh, and back up your research, thanks =]




  1. Nope because the world food supply is controlled by the WTO and their codex alimentaire. Monsanto seems to be poised to control the world's food systems in under 10 years as they are buying up all the seeds and patenting them.

    I love the Amish comment. Know that the Amish use a lot of pesticides in the growing of their food and their food often contains a lot of additives that are not natural-Amish does not mean natural or organic.

    There are small farmers in the US who do not go by the FDA/USDA rules and produce truly natural whole pure foods. Find a CSA/farmers market etc.. to find great pure food. never buy processed foods, buy whole foods and do your own processing.

  2. I completely agree with you. I'm not sure if any country is really honest with it's people, but I'd say if you want really fresh food with no kind of unknown c**p in it... Make, grow, and raise everything yourself. It's really the only way you can be sure everything is clean. I don't believe that  life expectancy  has gone up with preservatives. If you think back into the B.C. days... people supposedly lived well into their hundreds. Now, it seems many people do not live past 75. Although, that could be because of a number of other things.

  3. in what alternative universe is the life expectancy of a rural mexican 90 years and why not just proclaim yourself as a bias fool. being that you use the life expectancy of all Americans not just rural to compare to rural mexicans. And also to wenlighten your ignorant mind the FDA dont put a thing into the food. They just approve food and drugs for widespread use. Maybe you would like to go back to the days prior to the FDA when everything from urine to snake venom was put into food and there were not any labels to tell consumers what were in it. Oh by the way what do those rural mexicans eat?? I bet it doesn't come from a can.

  4. You make not like the preservatives, but average life expectancy has gone way up since they started being used, so it would seem any bad effects must be smaller that the good effects of preserving the food from spoiling.

    Think of it like a vaccine; maybe the rabies vaccine. The side effects may be bad, but not as bad as getting rabies.

  5. Hello,,around this here part of the woods ,,we call it AMISH COUNTRY!!!!

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