
Is there a cream that will make a freckles vanish??

by  |  earlier

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I've heard of a cream that makes your freckles disapear and I really need it cuz I hate my freckles and I want to make them go away there any for a really good price???....





  1. yea... it's called "concealer"

    Seriously. Lindsey Lohan naturally has a face of freckles, but I'm sure rocks really good concealer every day.

  2. i definitely agree with him freckles are angel kisses. :-)

    but if u really hate them u can go to a dermatolgist and he can give u a cream to get rid of them. the only problem with the creams is that it may cause u to break out and u can not have exposure to the sun, since if u go out in the sun they will come back. therfore u would and should always be wearing a high spf. u can also do laser, but like i said for the cream no tanning.

    hopefully this helps.  

  3. NO!!!

    Freckles are so cute-

    Take pride in them, guys love em-

  4. Girls with freckles are HOT! The more freckles a girl has the HOTTER she looks! Please don't try and get rid of them. Freckles are the first asset I look for on a girl before asking her out on a date. A girl without freckles is like a night without stars. Freckles are so HOT that there are even web sites dedicated to women covered in freckles and the guys who love them. Freckles ROCK!

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