
Is there a cure for canine epilepsy?

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My dog has had a massive 15 fits in 24 hours and is now in the vets being monitored. I am worried sick and wondered if anyone knows of anything that has worked. At the moment he is on phenobarbitone and potassium bromide and the vet is saying that he dose should go up. Any solutions out there?!?




  1. Very sorry to read about this.  You vet may be able to work with this case and get the medication doseage right but it will probably take time  Have you tried contacting the Phyllis Croft Foundation (UK) for support.  They are brilliant people and even if they have no answers, they have loads of experience and will offer you support.  You can find them online.

  2. unfortunately there is no cure for epilepsy in any animal, dog,cat,. people or anything else.

    Meds are the only thing that helps and often a increase is what is needed and sometime a change of meds, the vet would know what's best.

  3. same as a human your dog will be put on medication

  4. There is no cure sadly, just as there is no cure for Human Epilepsy. You may just have to have the vet adjust doses of his medicine. Good Luck.

  5. Unfortunately, no there is not a cure for epilepsy.  I am so sorry to hear you and your dog are going through this.  I too live with a dog with epilepsy, so I now how you are feeling.  

    Your best bet is to follow your vet's instructions.  There are different medications/treatments available.  One is not better or more effective then the other per sey.  It is more about finding what works for your dog and sticking to it.  

    There are a lot of wonderful support groups out there

    (Yahoo even has a group) where you can connect with other owners who share their lives with epileptic dogs.

    I will keep this boy in my thoughts...

  6. No cure for epilepsy, sorry:( The medications can control it but since every individual reacts to medications differently, it's going to be trial and error until they get the right meds/dosages so hang in there.

  7. there is no cure for it I'm afraid! i am very sorry to hear your dog has it. my husbands dog had it and after a long time and lots of fits and it started turning nasty cos it was ill he had to be put down. i know that's not what you want to hear but that's what happened.

    i do hope that the vet can somehow help your dog.  

  8. Cure, no.Treatment, yes.

  9. not a "cure" as such but there are many different meds to try.

    my dog has has epilepsy since a puppy and we have just had to change hers.

    horrible to watch but stick with it and you will find the meds for your dog

  10. I'm very sorry to hear about your dog's current condition but don't lose hope!!!

    Just wait for his condition to be stable and in the meantime do plenty of research online! Find supplements that may help and even diets that would reduce chances of seizures and help him recover faster. He needs you! :)

    My dog collapsed last week and is due for surgery this week to remove tumors... I've been researching and giving specific supplements and changed his diet to boiled chicken and veggies... He's gradually coming around....

    Just keep your chin up and learn in the meantime to help him recover faster and reduce chances in the future. If something you research seems out of the ordinary like feeding ice cream then check with the vet first.

    All the very best.

    PS. I'm attaching some links but research more and ask the vet all kinds of questions to make sure you understand his specific case and what you can do at home.

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