
Is there a cure for horse arthiritis?

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my horse has arthritis in his front knee. i was wondering, is there a cure? if so, what? thanks.




  1. Damage done in arthritis is not reversible when the joint surfaces have deteriorated or developed irregularities.  the best we can hope for is to limit the progression of deterioration and immobility that the inflammation causes.  Treatment is aimed at inhibiting inflammation and reducing pain, and also maintaining as much joint mobility as possible.  Talk to your vet and work out a plan to allow the optimum pain free function possible in your horse's situation.

  2. no "cure" but there are ways you can make it better. Joint supplements are great, along with a legend or poly shot if the arthritis is particularly bad.

  3. No, but giving him glucosamine and chodroidin for horses is good. Or giving him senior feed(and hay of course) which obviously has added glucosamine for joint health.  

  4. CURE is such an all encompassing word, which could mean lots of things to lots of people.  Are there measures that a horse owner can take to either diminish the symptoms of arthritis or greatly reduce them. YES!   I give my horse of 23+ yrs HAcid, gluscosomine and MS along with Lixotinic.  It really makes him feel young again, seriously.  He pulls the carriage and does weddings as it her were 8yrs old....and, before getting this stuff, he would get down, either in the stall or out in the field and couldn't get up and I would have to inject IV Banamine to help get him up (sort of like sitting on the toilet seat too long and nothing works right), plus, he is 2000 plus lbs.  I swear by the stuff, and  I give it to him, this old lady cleans the container with her finger and uses up every drop...makes me forget a lot of wrecks that I have had as well.

    This treatment along with keeping in mind that winter will take it's toll if your horse is not kept warm, or at least hay in front of him 24/7 so that he can make his own warmth...arthritis is ugly when it's cold, I can personally attest to that.

  5. Hah! I honestly wish there was! I had a 21 yr old barrel pony, probably the unluckiest pony ever--health wise...she was blind in her left eye, had severe cataracts in the right eye, heaves arthritis in her front I loved that pony, she was an athelete till almost the end...anyways, we had her on Bute for the inflammation in her retna in the left eye, but we upped the dosage when she got arthritis, because her body was sending the bute to the knees, not her eye....bute made her able to go on short trail rides with the group...we also have her the max. dosage (recommended by our vet) of Finish Line Joint made her loosen up a bit more, but we never could do much with her after she got it in her knees....poor girl...

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