
Is there a dead Japanese Girl in the ceiling of your closet?

by Guest66582  |  earlier

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There is in mine, and she's staring at me through her stringy black hair, and going ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

should I charge her rent?




  1. Ah, dont worry about it.

    Mines using the bathroom.

  2. Jeez here I was thinking I was the only one with one of those in my closet...thank God I'm not alone ...OK so how do we get rid of her???

  3. No there is not in mine and no you should not

  4. you can charge her shes not even living ._.

  5. That scares me!

  6. we did have one, but she fell down when I was dusting the other day and I told her to go and live somewhere else.  As far as I know, she's now living with Madonna and Guy Ritchie (Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt turned her down as there's no room at the inn).

  7. No, but there are live Chinese people in my house and they pay my rent.

  8. you can't charge her rent unless you have a bathroom and kitchen up there. just cement your closest off.

  9. If you wish her to go away, cast banishing rituals, it shall definatley work....

  10. EW!

  11. LOL yeah charge her twice as much

  12. *tears well up in eyes* Im scared...

  13. No. Maybe you should or call the police.

  14. Well if she's dead I don't see how she's going to be able to pay up!

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