
Is there a diet website with an EXCELLENT forum where I can ask questions?

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I'm looking for one because I've given up on yahoo...most people in the "diet and fitness" section answering questions are completely useless and only answer questions like "omg am i fat?! i weight 60 lbs?!" instead of answering questions that are actually worthy. And there is also SPAMMERS this way and that advertising their diet websites that are completely c**p.. So, I am looking for a different website. Please share. This will probably get no answers though since most answerers don't even belong in this section..




  1. sparkpeople is primarily for adults

    sparkteens for teens

    and mckenna has an excellent forum too.

    you have to sign in but all of them are free.

    i agree. this is not generally  the best place to ask for advice.

  2. I'm a member of's forum. Most of the people there are supportive and know the "ins and outs" of health and physical fitness.

    Hope this helps. :)

  3. has a very helpful forum.


  4. funny name, but an excellent forum for info and support.

  5. Hi J,

    I know what you mean.  I found this site to be helpful.  It doesn't have a forum but it does give a lot of good information on losing weight, product reviews and exposing some of the weight loss scams.  Ultimately, weight loss comes down to math: calories taken in vs calories burned.  The problem is that most people who want to lose weight aren't accountable to themselves and the actually consume more calories than they keep track of....hope it helps,  good luck!

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