
Is there a difference, in how to love & care for a housewife Vs. a hardworking professional career wife??

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  1. That's an interesting question.  I've seen a MAJOR change in myself since being laid off.  I've been working full time my entire life.  When I was really busy I didn't have time for a lot of extra BS.  My life was so much GO GO GO that I didn't think about things so much.  I didn't need a lot of attention from my husband because I was always so busy.  When I got home I just wanted to breathe & not hear people yapping too much.  Just some peace & quiet.  I always felt a little like super woman.  I could handle anything, multitask, didn't require much assistance.

    Since I got laid off I feel NEEDY.  Ha ha!  I'm so bored sometimes at home & I really notice when my husband doesn't pay attention to me.  Because I have TIME now to notice that.  As they say "Idle time is the devil's playground".  I think a lot more now.  I internalize things.  I feel like a bit of a waste of space without my job.  I get down on myself because my industry is so bad & the jobs aren't there.  I keep wondering what I'm doing wrong.  I'm a lot less confident & require a lot more attention now.  When my husband has had a busy day I try to give him some space because I remember how I used to feel after a long day.  But I'm bored so I have a hard time not attacking him with chatter as soon as he walks in.  

  2. i personally don't see how women can be housewives. because if you're a professional career woman or just have a regular job, at least you're taking care of yourself and backing yourself up in case the husband dies, or gets laid off or chooses to divorce the wife. what is a housewife to do if that happens. well shes out of luck because the money would just stop coming to the house. two people working is better than one. yes taking care of the kids is a job but why ONLY should SHE do it while the husband is off working his butt to death to keep the bills paid and the food on the table. they both  made the kids and both should look after them and spend time with them. not just the mother.

    i  mean i came across a question where the husband is a total idiot but the wife is a housewife and does everything she can to please him, but she can't leave becuase she doesnt support herself. so i  mean....a professional woman is better than a housewife in my opinion. i just dont see the good in having a housewife who does nothing.

  3. I couldn't say.  I take very good care of my beautiful, intelligent, hard working, stay at home wife.  I would have no need for a "professional career wife" whatever that is.  Would they need me to care for them?  

    My theory...why take chances?

  4. I think there isn't THAT much of a should always respect your wife, and treat her as you would want to be treated, regardless of whether she works inside or outside the home.

    But, if your wife chooses to stay at home and take care of the household, you may need to cut her some slack once in a while.  It can get monotonous, staying home all the time, and missing that adult interaction.

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