
Is there a difference between Malaysian and Malay people? how is Langkawi pronounced?

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Is there a difference between Malaysian and Malay people? how is Langkawi pronounced?




  1. agree with all the answer

    hmm...for yaya...why u dont try to ask her?

  2. malaysian= the residence of the country; made of 3 main races (malays, chinese, indians) and others that leave peacefully together.

    malay= largest race in malaysia, who live in malaysia long time ago before independence, and before the chinese and indians came to this place. they have darker skin than the chinese and fairer than indians.

    langkawi is pronounced as LANG-KAH-WEEE

  3. Malaysian = Malaysia citizen (all race)

    Malay = an ethnic

    Langkawi = lung-car-wee


    i wonder why chekedee blocked me? unless she is Jedi's or Bear's subsidiaries

  4. malay is the majority race in malaysia follow by chinese, indians and native people.

    langkawi= lang + ka + wee

  5. Malaysian is a term for citizens in Malaysia.

    Malay is a race.

  6. Malaysian means citizens of Malaysia which consists of many races mainly Malays, Chinese, Indians and East Malaysian natives.

    Malays have 2 meanings. From Malaysian context it is strictly defined by Malaysian Constitution as:

    "Malay" means a person who professes the religion of Islam, habitually speaks the Malay language, conforms to Malay custom and -

    (a) was before Merdeka Day born in the Federation or in Singapore or born of parents one of whom was born in the Federation or in Singapore, or was on that day domiciled in the Federation or in Singapore; or

    (b) is the issue of such a person

    I know this is weird that in Malaysia you can see a race to be defined by the Constitution and any other Malaysian from other races (like Chinese and Indians) can be Malay as well if he/she complies with the above definition.

    From broader perspective, which is also the real one, Malay is an ethnic group of Austronesian peoples predominantly inhabiting the Malay Peninsula and parts of Sumatra and Borneo. The Malay ethnic group is distinct from the concept of a Malay race, which encompasses a wider group of people, including most of Indonesia and the Philippines. The Malay language is a member of the Austronesian family of languages.

    For Langkawi, if you are an English speaker, in my opinion Yaya's version is the closest one i.e lung-car-wee.

  7. langkawi = langkahwee = bahdawee = badawi = pak lah

    PEACE =D

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