
Is there a difference between a pet fee and a pet deposit?

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Recently moved out of a house we were renting were we paid a pet fee ($300) for our two dogs. There was some damage to the carpet and we were expecting to have to pay for carpet cleaning out of the security deposit and pet fee. They sent us a bill charging us for cleaning but didn't deduct the cost of cleaning (which is noted on the bill as being needed for pet damage) from the pet fee we paid. Their claim is that the pet fee is non-refundable under any circumstances...effectively a convenience fee for having pets. Does this seem right?

Our lease was a basic TAA lease (texas apartment association)




  1. Yes, it is right and legal. You agreed to it when you signed the lease.

    A pet fee is a charge for privilege of being allowed to keep a pet in the rental. It does not go towards damages and does not get returned.

    When you use an ATM, you are charged a fee. It is for the privilege of using an ATM machine. It does not go towards anything and you certainly do not get it back.

    fee - A fixed sum charged, as by an institution or by law, for a privilege:

  2. Fee you don't get back

  3. what is the 300 dollars for? of course it doesnt seem right. I dont understand what you mean, when you say they charged you for cleaning, why would they charge you for cleaning? but the 300.00 doallars is for the carpet and if its not, tell them to give you the 300 dollars and the you will pay the fee... I know you are angry, I dont blame you, it does appear they are trying to have their cake and eat it too

    good look

  4. they should have deducted it from the deposit unless you didn't tell them that you had pets.  If you didn't then what they did was ok.  

  5. They are quite correct.  A pet FEE is money paid simply for the privilege of having a pet, damage or not.  A pet DEPOSIT is money placed in their hands in the event of damage.  You MIGHT get the deposit back, if no damage occurs.  You will never get the actual fee returned.

  6. "Fee" = NEVER get it back

    "Deposit" = Get it back

    You misread the wording on the contract.

    Each term has a TOTALLY different meaning!

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