
Is there a difference between communication and conversation?

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How does this relate to humans and animals?




  1. yes there is...communication is what a woman wants and conversation is what a man avoids to get the level of communicating

  2. yes theres a difference -- relation to animals... dunno

  3. Substantially, none. Communication is an act whereby two or some individuals at the other line of a medium interact thru various means or media -spoken or not -resulting to the delivery of an understood message from one to the other. So is conversation also. However, strictly speaking, conversation takes more of the spoken mode, which the french call "parler", where interacting agents become more "conversant " (Latin: con+versare - to pour out something to another), and come to know of the workings of their minds. Communication takes on a more complex modality - words, gestures, symbols, emotions, signals - beyond the spoken (French: parlant, parler) modality. Both communication and conversation however has a single goal: understanding.

  4. Sometimes it's a huge difference!  My grandparents used to talk 'at' each other, but never truly heard what the other said - even though they would resent an intrusion into their 'conversation', LOL!  Communication occurs in coversation only when both participants are able to pause and listen, and reflect back what has been communiciated.

  5. a conversation is a dialogue while communication is comming to an understanding it is fully possible to converse without actually communicating

  6. Communication: to understand others

    Conversation:just talking but usually you understand what is being said.

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