
Is there a difference between confidence and arrogance

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Is there a difference between confidence and arrogance




  1. Yes. Arrogance is just plain annoying while confidence may make you more like able.Example, Arrogance= P Diddy. Confidence=Barack Obama.

  2. You can be confident about your real abilites, or superior intellect and so on, or you an be arrogant and THINK you're better than others, without anything of substance to back up your attitude.

  3. yes weak people are arrogant attempting to hide behind their strengths and the neurotic need to feel superior, while confident people are aware of their strengths, but remain aware of their common humanity with others.  

  4. Confidence is when you are certain that you have a level of skill or ability. Arrogance is when you want to make sure everyone else knows you are the best.

  5. Yes. Confidence is knowing you are good at something, but not flaunting it.



    I can play the piano well


    I am so good at playing the piano. I can play anything I want to . I'm better than most people!

    Arrogance is kind of like showing off.

  6. Humility

  7. Yes, there is. Confidence is an emotional yet educated faith or belief that one is certain whereas Arrogance is overbearing, sometimes unwarrented pride in one's abilities. The best example is the story of the turtle and the hare. Both were very capable but the turtle had confidence; the hare was arrogant.

  8. Yes, I believe there is a difference. Confidence is when you believe in your capacity to accomplish whatever you set your mind to, and you believe you can do it to the very best of your ability. Arrogance, on the other hand is when you believe that you're the absolute best at everything and that you're the only one who can be the best.

    Hope this helps.

  9. Of course there is, but some people don't know how to tell the difference.  I guess it can be a fine line sometimes too.

    Arrogance is when one thinks they are superior.

    But very good question, it makes you really wonder where to draw the line.

    Some people want validation too, so that can often be misconstrued as arrogance too.

  10. I think being confident means that you feel capable to handle situations that are before you and don't feel threatened by problems or people.  Arrogance on the other hand is the opposite.  People who are arrogant try to convince people that they are confident when in truth they are not.  

    Arrogance is the confidence of the insecure and needy and can never let another person seem capable.  Arrogance must make everyone else feel they can't live without the arrogant one.  

    True confidence is bold enough to let other people shine and is never afraid or ashamed to share the spotlight with anyone.  

    I measure a person's confidence by their willingness to share the glory.   A person who can't do that but appears bold and strong is merely arrogant and insecure.

    Right after I answered this question, I went to look at the sports news and found this perfect example of arrogance and not confidence.  Mark Spitz, winner of 7 Gold Metals in the 1970's, is complaining that his record is about to be beaten and that he wasn't invited to go to Bejing.  

    This is a perfect example of someone insecure and incapable of sharing the spotlight.  Perhaps because Mark Spitz is 58 years old has taken its toll on his genuine confidence but I'm surprise he would whine so much.  What do you think?  Example of Arrogance or confidence?

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