
Is there a difference between global warming and the green house effect?

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Is there a difference between global warming and the green house effect?




  1. Kind of.

    The green house effect is essential for life on our planet to exist.  Without it, Earth would be a frozen wasteland.  The green house gases basically retains some of the heat (energy) in our atmosphere that would otherwise radiate out into space.

    Global warming is what happens when the proper balance of the green house effect is knocked out of kilter by excessive amounts of green house gases being pumped into the atmosphere.

    When the balance of incoming (from sun) and outgoing energy is right, our planet maintains a stable temperature. When the amount of outgoing energy is decreased (because of excessive green house gases) warming occurs.

  2. Yes.

    The greenhouse effect is when greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap heat which causes the planet to warm.  It's one cause of global warming.

    Global warming is just when the planet is consistently increasing in its average temperature over a period of time.  It can be caused by the greenhouse effect, but also by other factors like increased solar output or changes in the Earth's orbital cycle around the Sun.  See the link below for further explanation.


  4. Yes, environmentalists have cleverly coined the phrase global warming to imply that all warming is man caused.  Some people have defined global warming as the warming that is caused by man.  The label is good evidence for it being primarily a political issue.  If it were scientific, it would be more precise.  The problem is that if it were precise, it would fall apart as a political movement.

  5. The green house effect is generally regarded as FACT and describes the effect of certain gases, mainly Methane and C02 to keep warm air generated by the sun  from escaping into space.  Without the greenhouse effect, life on earth would be inhabitable.  So greenhouse gases are not necessarily bad.  In fact, plants thrive when there is an excess of C02 in the atmosphere.

    Global Warming is a THEORY based on computer models of what might happen if additional greenhouse gases were added to the atmosphere, primarily C02.  In the past 5 years, the increase in C02 in the atmosphere has equated to roughly one additional C02 molecule for every 100,000 other molecules in the air (99% being Nitrogen and Oxygen).

    So the short answer is, Greenhouse effect is FACT, Global Warming is THEORY.

  6. Yes, global warming typically refers to the warming of the Earth that is caused by humans.  The greenhouse effect refers to how certain gases (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, halon, etc.) absorb longwave radiation that is emitted by the surface of the Earth and re-radiate back downard.  The greenhouse effect is what makes it warm enough for life on Earth.  The problem is that people are increasing the greenhouse effect by adding more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, which will raise the equilibrium temperature of the Earth and cause global warming.

    Despite what Dr Jello says, the greenhouse effect is well-established, and even among most people that don't believe in human induced global warming it is accepted as fact.  It is actually something that could be understood with high school physics training.

  7. Yes , the greenhouse effect is not responsible for major warming trends or even minor ones' such as today. Other forces cause the Earth to warm , the main one being our Sun .

  8. Greenhouse effect is a myth built on faulty science.  Mars has an atmosphere that's 95% co2 and it's far colder than the Earth who has a concentration of co2 at just a scant 0.0035%

    Mars atmosphere is more like the Earth's than Venus as Mars atmosphere is 60% of what the atmosphere is on Earth.  It's like standing on a mountain that's 15,000 ft high.

    Venus is far different as it has an atmosphere 92 times greater than the Earth's.  That would be like standing on the outter core of the planet.

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