
Is there a difference between headstrong and stubborn?

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It seems like people get more respect when they say "I'm headstrong" as opposed to those who say "I'm stubborn" Aren't they the same thing though?




  1. I Think people say headstrong to say the person is stubborn but in a good way, like that person won't do something because of a good reason. But, people say stubborn its meant to be a bad thing. To tell the truth I'm also kinda unsure.

  2. techinically they are the same thing but with society's connotation of the two words, headstrong is more of a positive thing while stubborn is just a negative thing.

  3. headstrong - Habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition

    stubborn - Tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield

    some difference there.

  4. yeah. except headstrong just means.. you have the attitude where you think you can carry the world. bring it on. you can take on anything and you'll go get it. what you say is what you say and that settles it. and stubborn means when you absolutely refuse to do something and are sticking to what you think.

    you can be headstrong when your stubborn.. I dont know how to explain it.. lol

  5. According to Webster's:

    Headstrong means "determined to do as one pleases."

    Stubborn means 1) refusing t yield or comply; obstinate 2) done in an obstinate or persistent way or 3) hard to handle or deal with.

    So there are minor differences between the two.

  6. I would say headstrong is more like determined...stubborn is like just disagreeable and difficult

  7. yeah

    but only one

    headstrong is a nicer way to say stubborn

    the word stubborn

    is associated with being prideful, ignorant soemtiems and quite arrogant

    its all negative associations

    no-one respects soemone whos ignorant, arrogant and wont change their ways

    where as headstrong

    the word head= mind, =i think about what i m saying

    and the word strong = a very positive sounding word alone

    makes them seem and feel sure, appear to be 'stronger' more dominant, so you should listen etc etc

    this is why respect is given

    all positive

    so in all, the word headstrong is perceived to be a positive attribute whereas stubborn is negative

    they dont realise that its exactly the same thing, because of the sociological associations and meanings behind the words and the word

    so your spot on, they are indeed the same thing

    but they will never realsie that

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