
Is there a difference between male and female anti-feminists?

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And if so, what is it, in your opinion? :-)




  1. Occasionally a male A-F has something to say.  The females are just loud.

  2. Never minding the physical differences; there is no difference.  No matter where they may disagree amongst themselves; they still hold one common belief; they're against Feminism.  Just like you Feminists are against what radicals say; you still regard them as one of your own.

  3. both suck di*k. so in answer to your question no.

  4. The male anti-feminist has a p***s, the female anti-feminist has a v****a.

  5. No. Female anti-feminists are usually beautiful passionate woman that have a husband / boyfriend who loves them lots for who they are, they don't need to do anything as they are happy. I respect them for that. Maybe that's what feminists need to do, is smile.

  6. What is an anti-feminist? there are many different reasons they have for being so. It appears most females are housewifes, in here at least. Men have various reasons from being traditionalists, sexists, misogynists, doesn't believe in ideologies, academically against social construction theories on gender, believes feminists to be sexists(goes along with ideologues), considers feminism irrelevant today...

  7. It's just variations on a different theme.  Most of the males are arguing that feminist are out to de-masculinize or disenfranchise them.  Some argue that feminist are the cause of escalated crime rates due to an absence of fathers .

    The primary female anti-feminist arguments I've seen are that feminism gave women two jobs; one in the workplace and the other in the home, and that feminism goes too far and strips men of parental rights.

    Then there's the fringe element of misogyny and misandry that shows up in questions like:  Why do women rule?  Are feminist so messed up in the head  because they were raped?  Are women outscoring men on test because the standards are lower?  Why "all" men so sexist?

  8. We both love freedom - something wrong with that?

  9. Just that the female anti doesn't realise what she's trying to destroy.

  10. as an anti pains me to read such hurtful responses..

    ive always tried to be as nice and as fair as possible. except when im teasing ppl..which is all in fun.

    im really hurt that im viewed also in such a horrible light.

    but i suppose it cannot be helped.

    once you follow a path of something....every other path thinks you are useless or wrong.

  11. Yes, I think there is.

    I think most of the male anti-feminists are afraid about losing their position of privliege and power in society or feel they are being somehow disadvantaged by women gaining equality.

    And many male antis simply hate and fear women and calling themselves anti-feminists is an acceptable way to express that hatred.

    I think most female anti-feminists are women with traditional values and are most often very religious and they believe that feminism is in conflict with that. They believe the propaganda from anti-feminists and conservative Christians and media distortion. Maybe they also see that most feminists are women who have different lifestyles and values and goals than they do.

    Some female antis are afraid of a life without male companionship and protection, coming again from traditional values and attitudes.

    And some are just afraid of the "F-word". *shrugs* whatever.

    I think the clearest difference between male and female antis is that more male antis are nasty. Women antis can be nasty too, but less often and less severe from what I've seen. But I'm going by what I see in here.

  12. Yes.  A good number of the female anti-feminist are concerned with males somehow getting the short-end of the stick.  Some actually believe in the same principles that feminism put on the table.They are just afraid of wearing the label feminist because of the stigma attached  to the word nowadays.  Most of the self-proclaimed male anti-feminist want to revert back to the old days.  That's just my observation.

  13. Well, I assure you that there are differences in male and female everything and if you have to ask what they are then you are very, very young cause I learned the difference away back there when I was knee high to a duck.

  14. Yes.

    Female anti feminists are anti feminists because they are (sometimes) ashamed of their own gender and disgusted with the bile ridden and biased rhetoric of their feminist sisters.

    Male anti feminists are sick and tired of being the victims of the feminist witches.

  15. Nope.

  16. No.  They both spew lies and vitriol.

  17. What don't I realize that I'm trying to destroy?

    All the lies and vitriol we spew?

  18. both hate IDIOTS, and useless bragging

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