
Is there a difference between song writing and poetry writing?

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I think my dream is to have what i write sung by an artist, but all i write are poems. I dont play any instruments...all that comes out are my feelings. Do you think someone who writes poetry can have those poems "converted" into songs?





  2. It totally depends on the poem and it's structure, or the musician and their creativity.

    Many poems can be rewritten into songs (most rap is poetry set to beat.)  

  3. yes

    it helps if u sing and can play an instrument  

  4. Not really, it's all about what the writer wants it to be

  5. I have tried and tried and tried to write decent song lyrics. I can't, not to save my life. However, I'm a published poet. So, yes, I would say there is a definite difference between song writing and poetry writing. However, I have seen a friend's poetry converted into quite a beautiful song, so they can be altered. You probably could have your poetry converted into songs. It wouldn't surprise me. One flows easily into the other, if you have someone who knows what they're doing, which, in my case, is not me.

  6. I guess not because you can always turn a poem into a song


  7. poems are songs. only with music. you don't have to play anything, you can give someone your poem and they write the music.  

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