
Is there a difference if a guy wears boxers or if they go commando?

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do they provide support? is it uncomfortable to not wear anything?




  1. I find going commando comfortable... but it depends what I am wearing. There is no support at all when going commando and next to none wearing boxers.. unless they are boxer briefs. It's probably a good idea to wear boxers rather than commando i fyou are going to be out all day getting hot and sweaty.... less chance of skid marks on your favourite pair of jeans.

  2. i use boxer brief at day and commando at night. i have to provide breathing space for my pet once in a while too. but i am more comfortable wearing boxer briefs

  3. well, ive done it before. I think boxers create a boundary, but dont push your package to close.

    Commando is really a free feeling. To me, almost ot a point of a turn on.ahaha.

    It's a little bit of both, they provide a tad bit of support, but its uncomfortable to go without them.

  4. depends on the boxer... some are just another layer and some are nice... i prefer not wearing clothes at night though. way better

  5. Dude, nobody cool wears underwear any more. Boxers give you zero support, just like going commando. You don't really need support though, because your body was made to hang loose. All boxers do is ride up, bunch up, and make you warmer. It is WAY more comfortable to go commando. Girls seem to like it when they find out a guy is going commando, so there's no drawback there. The only difference is you need to be dilligent about cleanliness when you go to the bathroom. WIPE WELL and SHAKE OFTEN!  

  6. The difference between a guy wearing boxers and going commando is:

    Boxers, they have boxers on!

    Commando, they have nothing on!

    That's the difference!!  Wow.  So smart!!!

    I will never wear underwear.  Commando only.

  7. You do not have to worry about catching yourself in a zipper

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