
Is there a difference in a furnace that stands up right and one that lays down?

by Guest33495  |  earlier

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I'm buying a hvac unit with a furnace that stands up, but I need it to go in my attic. Would it work if I layed it down?




  1. NO..........  There are special horizontal units available. Don't know the brand name, but my daughter had one when she lived in Texas.

  2. All new furnaces has force draft motors in them now. However, unless its a "Multi-positional", it may not operate properly in the horizontal position. The difference being the design of the burners, flue position, draft motor operating pressure, any controls that themselves are positional (such as the pressure switch, etc.). Its best to make a phone call to see if your unit will operate in multi-positions, rather than have trouble later.

  3. David c is right.

    If this is a new unit it will have installation instructions that will tell you what mounting positions are an option.

  4. most furnaces can go horizonal or vertical what you have to worry about is the evap coil and pan and transition do not strap on the furnace build a saddle and hang it correctly

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