
Is there a difference in powerchains?

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Okay, so, I have braces, and I went for an adjustment on monday. I've had braces for 5/6 months now. My teeth are relatively straight, though I still have 3 out of 4 extraction gaps which aren't closed yet.

My orthodontist said that at my next visit she will start "closing up the gaps good and proper" and she said that it simply involves "threading an elastic through all of my teeth"

Okay, does she mean i am getting a power-chain? And if so, has it happened to anyone else to close up extraction gaps because i thought power-chains were only used for small cracks here and there.

I've seen some people with just a power-chain around the gap, is that what she meant? Hmm.

Please help, sorry if I sound like a complete dolt aha.




  1. ether you are getting a power chain or  a power  thread   power threds are used for bigger gaps and power chains  are used for  small gaps

  2. Yep, I think she means you're getting a power chain. I've had one round all of my bottom teeth to help close two extraction gaps, and then when they were almost shut, my dentist just put them across the actual gap.

    If it's just the gaps that need closing, then you will probably just get it over the gaps.

    Hope I helped =)

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